Submitted by: Joyce
Recipe Source Country: Cameroon
Cooking/Prep time: < 10 min
This recipe is special in the sense that it makes you eat healthy and at the same time it is tasteful.
- 5-8 tender avocados
- 2 tablespoon of oil
- A teaspoon of vinegar
- Half an onion
- A small tomato
- A teaspoon of mustard
- A glove of garlic
- Sardines (preferably canned sardines) *optional
- Some parsley
- A pinch of salt
- Cut the avocados into medium sized square
- Place them in a bowl
- Slice the onions, tomatoes, and garlic. Then add to the bowl
- Add the oil, vinegar, mustard, and salt
- Mix together gently while making sure that you do not marsh the avocado, you want to keep that into pieces
- Serve on a plate and then add the sardines and/or parsley on the top
This meal is eaten for breakfast and is often accompanied with baguettes.