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Study Abroad Webpage Immersion

Make meaningful connections with a host family, community, and school.

When you study abroad with AFS, you’ll do far more than travel to a new country – our immersion programs provide authentic intercultural experiences where you will build meaningful connections with your host family, community, and school. You will learn about the world in ways that cannot be found in a guidebook! Get ready to get out of your comfort zone and experience an abundance of growth over the course of your exchange program and beyond.


Builds skills you need for college, career, and life.

Each AFS program is designed to foster your global competence and provide essential skills to set you up for a successful future and stand out on your college applications. 

To prepare for your immersive study abroad experience, you also get access to the AFS Student Learning Journey and can add on an Advanced Certificate course in Global Citizenship for Social Impact from the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Social Impact Strategy (CSIS).

Additionally, depending on your program, you may have the option to take an AAPPL (ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages) language proficiency test after you return home to add your language skills to your resume or high school transcript!

Global Prep Kenya 2019

Contribute to a more just, equitable, peaceful and sustainable world.

When you study abroad with AFS, you start a journey to becoming an active global citizen. We define global citizens as human beings whose informed, compassionate, and ethical compass drives them to lead lives and make decisions that contribute to a more just, equitable, peaceful and sustainable world. The world needs more active global citizens—and AFS helps create them. 

Qualities of an AFSer graphic

Join a dynamic and welcoming class of passionate students.

As an AFSer, you will be a student ambassador and represent the diversity of our country. AFS global citizens make up a worldwide community dedicated to building intercultural relationships through the exchange of knowledge, compassion, and respect. Our hope is that your study abroad experience will be the first of many intercultural opportunities you embrace throughout your life, whether it’s something as simple as getting to know a person who’s different from you or utilizing your skills to positively support a community far from your own.

Kenya group photo

Get the financial support you need.

We believe that finances should not be a barrier to studying abroad with AFS. When you apply, we work with you to understand your family’s needs and provide as much financial support as possible. All applicants with demonstrated financial need are eligible for scholarship funds, ensuring that the cost of studying abroad does not become a barrier to participation.

Learn About Scholarships & Aid
Program fee graphic

What's included?

Your program fees cover a variety of aspects of the AFS experience, from helping you find the best program, to supporting you and your family while you’re abroad, to providing opportunities to continue your intercultural learning after you return. Some of what’s included in the program fee may vary by program. For example, some of our summer programs do not offer host family or school placements. Please refer to the program page or contact our Study Abroad Specialists for details.

HPS Team on Zoom

Join an info session!

These webinars are perfect for anyone interested in the AFS study abroad program and its life-changing opportunities. Whether you’re a student, parent, or just curious, these sessions provide valuable insights. Hear from experienced AFS-USA staff, ask questions, and learn about the benefits of cultural exchange. Discover how studying abroad with AFS broadens horizons and builds meaningful global connections.

Learn about the application process and how AFS can connect you, your community, and students worldwide. Register today for a Tuesday or Thursday information sesson!

Tuesday Info Sessions Thursday Info Sessions

Frequently Asked Questions

By going abroad in high school, you can change your world in ways that are both visible to you personally, and visible to your friends, family, teachers, and future peers and colleagues. Many AFSers say that their experience was “transformational”. They gain new maturity and independence, and develop a better understanding of what their passions and long-term goals are. They also share that they’re better prepared than many of their peers for the college application and interview process.

There are practical benefits to going abroad in high school too, like gaining language fluency, developing critical intercultural communication skills, and forming lifelong connections that span the globe and often last a lifetime.

The impact of going abroad is different for everyone. Reach out to us at [email protected] to learn more.

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