During your time studying abroad in India you can meet lots of new people, learn new languages, try delicious new foods, and create memories that will last a lifetime. India’s unique culture has been heavily influenced by its rich spiritual and religious traditions, and Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism all originated there. You’ll get a chance to experience the enormous diversity that India has to offer; there are literally hundreds of distinct languages and cultures.
Things to know
If you’re a vegetarian you’re in luck; vegetarianism is very common in India and you’ll have no problem finding lots of delicious foods to try! Indians typically eat with their right hand and the left hand is usually kept under the table. The principles of Mahatma Gandhi, including humility and nonviolence, are held in high reverence by most Indians. You’ll likely get to experience an Indian wedding – a days-long celebration with hundreds of people, complete with henna tattooes, colorful saris, and lots of dancing!