Jane Ransom

Board Chair

AFS Returnee – U.S. to Italy, 1970-71

Jane is a veteran nonprofit executive who has served as chief executive of seven leading organizations, focusing on turn-around and start-up initiatives. Most recently, she served as executive director of the American Brain Foundation from 2015-2023. Currently, Jane consults for nonprofit organizations on strategy and fund development. Jane was president and chief executive officer of Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania from 2009 to 2015, a volunteer-driven organization with 35,000 members across 30 counties. Previously, she has served as chief executive of the Washington, DC-based International Women’s Media Foundation, the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota, Central Pennsylvania Legal Services, Women and Foundations/Corporate Philanthropy, and of the community development corporation Woodside on the Move, located in New York City.

As a volunteer, Jane has participated in the national strategic planning initiatives of both AFS-USA and Girl Scouts of the USA. She has served on the boards of the Women’s Fund of the Foundation for Enhancing Communities, the Queens Overall Economic Development Corporation, and other community organizations in Pennsylvania and Minnesota.

Jane Ransom holds a master’s degree in public administration from the Bernard M. Baruch College of City University of New York and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history from Kent State University.