During six years as Director and especially as Chair of the AFS-USA Board of Directors during the chaotic first months of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, Jed was an unwavering pillar for the organization and consistently demonstrated an invaluable grace under pressure.
For this leadership during a time of extreme crisis, the organization will be forever grateful.
Throughout his service to AFS-USA, Jed consistently brought his clear insights and deep experience in corporate global operations, legal compliance, international transactions, and strategic planning that sharpened our thinking and shaped the direction of our organization.
Jed began his journey to becoming a global citizen as an AFS exchange student to Chile. The language and cultural experience he gained in Chile illustrates the impact of AFS: he served Cargill Incorporated for 39 years dealing in international business matters, the last 20 as Latin American General Counsel.
Jed and his wife, Lee, hosted three AFS daughters from Chile, Venezuela, and Austria, and sent their son on an AFS summer program in Chile with the same family where Jed was placed 30 years prior! Now they have an AFS granddaughter in Chile and live close by their three future AFS exchange student grandchildren in California.