Team Overview

Overview of AFS

AFS-USA (formerly the American Field Service) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit leader in intercultural learning. AFS offers international exchange programs in more than 40 countries through a global network of independent, non-profit AFS Organizations, each with a professionally staffed office and a team of dedicated volunteers. We’ve been facilitating life-changing opportunities abroad for more than 70 years with an exemplary record of safety, security, and service.

AFS-USA Mission

AFS-USA works toward a more just and peaceful world by providing international and intercultural learning experiences to individuals, families, schools, and communities through a global volunteer partnership.

About the AFS Milwaukee Team

We are located in Southeastern Wisconsin, covering West Bend to South Milwaukee, Whitefish Bay to New Berlin. With currently over 100 volunteers, 10 Americans Abroad in 9 countries, and 50 hosted students from 28 countries in our care during 2017-2018,  AFS Milwaukee supports one of the largest hosting programs in the AFS-USA family.


Volunteer Members:

Area Team Leadership

Area Team Chair – Stephanie Schultz

AFS-USA National Council, Chair – Deb Maly

Liaison Coordinator – Dee Johnson

Sending Coordinator – Bryce Lord

Sponsored Programs Coordinator – Liz Laxague & Adam Fiebelkorn

Support Coordinator – Haly Besaw

Travel/Activity Waivers – Michelle Pittman

Treasurer – Tim Read

Volunteer Coordinator – Theresa Ness

Website Administrator – Bryce Lord

AFS Foundation of Greater Milwaukee

President: Suzie Robison-Strane

Staff Members:

Team Development Specialist – Karen Nelson


Engage in meaningful work that matches your skills, interests, and schedule for as little as a few hours a month.

Support International Students and Host Families
Foster intercultural understanding by working directly with nearby exchange students and their host families in your community.

Build Connections with Local Schools and Organizations
Encourage new communities to explore the world by engaging with schools, organizations and businesses in your area.

Bring Exchange Students to Southeastern Wisconsin
Introduce families to the benefits of hosting an exchange student and encourage them to open their doors.

Prepare American Students Going Abroad
Help students achieve their dreams of studying abroad by guiding them through the process and sharing cultural insights.

Coordinate Volunteers Locally
Reach out to new volunteers across Southeastern Wisconsin and help match their skills and interests to support the mission of intercultural exchange.

Plan Events and Activities
Organize social, cultural, and educational events for exchange students, host families, and community members.

Area Team Volunteer Opportunities

The Milwaukee Area Team is currently looking for volunteers to train as interviewers for hosting, sending and volunteering.

If you are interested, please contact Area Team Development Specialist (TDS) Karen Nelson: [email protected].

AFS Local & National Scholarships

The AFS Foundation of Greater Milwaukee

The AFS Foundation of Greater Milwaukee provides scholarships to enable qualified local high school students to spend a summer, a semester or an academic year on an AFS program living with a host family and attending high schoo in a foreign country. The Foundation is a division of AFS-USA, Inc., the national AFS organization. As a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations to the Foundation are tax-exempt to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Milwaukee area AFS volunteers felt frustrated when they saw potential young leaders in business, government, and education denied this international educational opportunity due to a lack of funds. Therefore, they created the AFS Foundation of Greater Milwaukee, dedicated solely to raising funds for AFS scholarships for highly qualified Milwaukee area students in need of financial assistance.

Each of the students eligible to receive a scholarship from the Foundation has already participated in a rigorous evaluation process and has been selected to participate in an AFS international education program. Recipients and the amounts of their scholarships are chosen by the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee. This committee is comprised of both AFS volunteers experienced in evaluating students’ abilities to benefit from an AFS program and others whose job experience gives them expertise in evaluating family financial capability.

For information about the AFS Foundation of Greater Milwaukee, contact Susan Robison-Strane

Calendar of Events

Area School Chapters

Team Milwaukee provides support for AFS students in 24 different high schools in 21 different school districts throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. This includes support for not only the students, but their host families, school chapters and clubs, faculty advisors, liaisons, and school administration as well.

Cedarburg High School | Cedarburg, WI

Chapter Coordinator: Mary Chemotti
Advisor:  Dan Johnson
Meeting Location: Room 214
Meeting Times/Dates: Meetings are generally during Resource or after school. The annual Cedarburg AFS Weekend is in November, providing short term hosting opportunities as well as other social events.
Membership: All students with an interest in people and other cultures are welcome! There are occasional opportunities for fundraising and community service.

Cudahy High School | Cudahy, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at the Cudahy High School, please contact Principal Christopher Haeger at (414) 294-2700.

Greendale High School | Greendale, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at the Greendale High School, please contact Principal Steve Lodes at (414) 423-0110.

Germantown High School | Germantown, WI

Chapter Coordinator: Deb Maly
AFS Advisor: Perry Benz
If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at the Germantown High School, please contact Principal Joel Farren at (262) 253-3400.

Greenfield High School | Greenfield, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at the Greenfield High School, please contact Principal Steve Lodes at (414) 423-0110.

Homestead High School | Thiensville, WI & Mequon, WI

Chapter President: Mark Smith
AFS Advisor: Sarah Rossman

Indian Trail High School & Academy | Kenosha, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at the Indian Trail High School, please contact Principal Maria Kotz at (262) 359-8700.

Menomonee Falls High School | Menomonee Falls, WI

Chapter Coordinator: Deb Maly
AFS Advisor: Jim Wietzer
If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at the Menomonee Falls High School, please contact Principal Robert Vitale at (262) 255-8444.

Kenosha – Tremper

The Chapter currently consists of the following members:
Marilyn Elowson, Chair | [email protected]
Scott Jung, Treasurer, Support Lead and liaiason
Jerry Gulley, Milwaukee Area Team Orientation coordinator and liaison | [email protected]
Anne-Marie Elowson-Peterson, Secretary and liaison | [email protected]
Theresa Ness, liaison | [email protected]

Rufus King High School | Milwaukee, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at Rufus King High School, please contact Principal Tanzanique Carrington at (414) 267-0700.

Muskego High School | Muskego, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at Muskego High School, please contact Principal Todd Irvine at (262) 971-1790.

Nicolet High School | Glendale, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at Nicolet High School, please contact Principal Greg Kabara at (414) 351-1700.

Horlick High School | Racine

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at Horlick High School, please contact Principal Angela Apmann at (262) 619-4300.

JI Case High School | Racine, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at the JI Case High School, please contact Principal Jody Bloyer at (262) 619-4200.

Port Washington High School | Port Washington, WI

If you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at Port Washington High School, please contact Principal Eric Burke at (262) 268-5500

South Milwaukee

Shorewood High School | Shorewood, WI

Chapter Chair: Pablo Muirhead
AFS Advisor: Brian SchultiesIf you would like more information about AFS activities taking place at Shorewood High School, please contact Principal Tim Kenney at (414) 963-6921.

Union Grove

Wauwatosa East

Wauwatosa West

Whitefish Bay

West Bend East


Learn more about Southeastern Wisconsin

Southeastern Wisconsin has a diverse cultural arts scene. Known as the City of Festivals, Milwaukee and the surrounging region has many varied sites and attractions. But it also has something other places don’t: the people.

What distinguishes Southeastern Wisconsin is the warm hospitality and friendly attitude of the people who live and work here. This personal touch and heartfelt welcome make it an extraordinary place to visit, and one that will leave a positive impression on everyone who visits.

Arts & Culture


Higher Education


Milwaukee Team