Chair Keith Stock
U.S. to Panama, 1969
Mr. Stock is an international strategist, private markets investment manager and financial services executive in his roles as Chairman and CEO of First Financial Investors, Inc.; Senior Executive Advisor with The Brookside Group, an alternatives family office investment platform; and Chairman and CEO of Stock Securities LLC, a U.S. FINRA registered broker dealer. Mr. Stock previously served as Chairman and CEO of Worldwide Reinsurance (Bermuda) Limited, Executive Chairman of National Property REIT Corp and its affiliated companies, Executive Chairman and Officer of Clarien Group and Clarien Bank (Bermuda) Limited, and Chief Strategy Officer and member of the Office of the CEO of TIAA, a diversified financial services and insurance company.
Mr. Stock is a director of Axcelus Financial Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Ltd. and its affiliates, director of U.S. defense industry contractor The Entwistle Company, director of the Foreign Policy Association, and a member of The Griswold Center for Economic Policy Studies at Princeton University and The Economic Club of New York.
Earlier, Mr. Stock served as President of Mastercard Advisors where he was a member of Mastercard Worldwide’s Joint Policy and Operating Committee, Partner and Management Group Member of McKinsey & Company, Partner and Insurance Practice Head at AT Kearney, Inc., Financial Services Sector Leader for Capgemini SE, and Chairman and CEO of U.S. nationally chartered St. Louis Bank and Treasury Bank Limited. He has served as a member of a number of financial, fintech, insurance, and investment company boards of directors and board committees. Mr. Stock began his career as a credit review officer and collateral auditor with Mellon Bank (now BNY Mellon). He received his undergraduate degree from Princeton and an MBA with distinction from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.