South Sudanese Cultures

In 2011, Sudan split in half and South Sudan emerged. The country is about the size of the state of Texas, and its landscape includes savanna, marshland, and rain forests. A wide range of wildlife lives in South Sudan, including elephants, lions, crocodiles, zebras, monkeys, and cranes. The largest ethnic group and the largest tribe in South Sudan is the Dinka (36 percent), followed by the Nuer (16 percent). While South Sudanese are proud to be an independent nation, pride for ethnic group affiliation typically passes national identity. In South Sudan, integrity is a respected character trait.

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South Sudanese People and Community

Most South Sudanese families are patriarchal. Men typically inherit their father’s wealth. Children usually live with their parents until they marry. After marriage, many sons live near their parents. It is important to represent your family’s name honorably in South Sudanese culture. Children are perceived as reflections of their family. Men are responsible for being the primary providers for their family. Women are in charge of household duties and child rearing, which is also shared by members of the community.

Language and Communication Styles

Upon achieving independence, South Sudan replaced Arabic as their official language with English, though few South Sudanese people speak it fluently.

Food in South Sudan

Common foods consist of fish, meat, milk, millet, and sorghum, depending on the area. Sorghum is usually cooked into asīda (a thick porridge made by combining ground sorghum with water). It may also be made into a dish called walwal. Bamya (okra stew) and khudra (stew made from onions, meat, and a leafy plant), are commonly served in South Sudan. Ful (a stew made from mashed fava beans and spices) is a lower priced dish, which makes it well-liked in more urban areas.