
Sourced from IMUNA: New Zealand, officially known as the Monarchy of New Zealand, is composed of two main islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean and is currently ruled by Elizabeth II. It is located east of Australia and south of Fiji and Tonga. Because it is far removed from any other closely neighboring countries, it was one of the last lands to be inhabited by humans.


  • Capital: Wellington
  • Population:  4,518,000
  • Languages: English, Māori
  • Median Age (years): 37.3
  • Human Development Indicators (2016)
    • Human Development Index: 0.917
    • Human Development Rank: 16
    • Life expectancy at birth (years): 82
    • Expected years of schooling (years): 18.9
    • Mean (avg.) years of schooling (years): 12.5
    • Gross national income (GNI) per capita (2011 PPP $): 33,970
    • Income inequality, Gini coefficient: 36.20
    • Gender Development Index (GDI): 0.966
    • Population living below income poverty line, PPP $1.90 a day (%): n.a
    • Employment to population ratio (% ages 15 and older): 65.8
    • Internet users (% of population): 88.5
    • Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (tonnes): 7.7
    • Forest area (% of total land area): 38.6
    • Forest area (total change %): 5.1

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