Culture-Specific Resources

AFS-USA coordinated with our partners in other countries to bring a series of cultural videos (recorded webinars) to teachers and their students. Each webinar is led by individuals from the partner country and includes information about the following areas of their culture:

  • Home & Family Life
  • Food, Nutrition & Wellness
  • School & Education
  • Art & Culture
  • Global Challenges

The webinars range in length from about 20-35 minutes and some are available in both English and the home language. These are FABULOUS resources for teachers of social studies, world languages, elementary and middle school among other subjects. Teachers can use the webinars in their entirety or just a clip to showcase specific information for students. Many include some aspects of interactivity that teachers can replicate in their classroom (in person) or students can do from home. During remote instruction, these are great for teachers to assign students to watch and the teacher can build in questions with each one to check for understanding.

Global Competence Resources


AFS Readiness Index

A self-assessment tool to determine the preparedness of schools in fostering global competence among students.



BP has created a series of lesson plans that focus on STEM topics. The company is working hard to encourage girls to engage with STEM and STEM-related study topics.


Crash Test World

Crash Test World are 5-minute videos that explore topics tied to one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Lesson plans are provided for all levels of instruction to help students engage with their local communities and make a change for the better.


Generation Global

Generation Global uses dialogue to foster peaceful intercultural interaction among students. They provide resources to support teachers and students in building safe spaces for global dialogue.


Global Competence Certificate

The AFS Global Competence Certificate (GCC) is a blended learning program that develops tangible global skills essential to live, work and make a real social impact around the world.


Global Education Coalition of NYC

Global Education Coalition of NYC is a network of 18+ organizations whose primary objective is to support educators in the NY metro area (and beyond) in creating globally competent youth.


Global Education Conference Network

The Global Education Conference Network is a worldwide community initiative for students, educators, and organizations, designed to increase opportunities for connecting classrooms.


Growing Up Global

Raising Children to be At Home in the World is an award-winning, hands-on book that helps parents raise children with a global perspective.



iEARN enables young people to use the Internet and other new technologies to engage in collaborative educational projects that both enhance learning and make a difference in the world.


IREX Global Education

IREX Global Education: Introductory courses in incorporating global competency into the classroom offered by an international nonprofit organization specializing in global education.


Mapping The Nation

Asia Society’s Mapping the Nation is an interactive map of demographic, economic, and education indicators—nearly one million data points—to show that the U.S. is a truly global nation.


National Geographic’s Geo-Literacy Program

National Geographic’s Geo-Literacy Program addresses today’s global interconnectedness and provides resources for learning more and promoting geo-literacy across the U.S.



P21’s mission is to serve as catalyst for 21st century learning by building collaborative partnerships among education, business, community and government leaders.


Participate Learning

Participate Learning partners with districts and schools to implement global education for K-12 schools and prepare global-ready teachers and students.


SDGs/Global Goals

Introduces the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to students and inspires them into action.

Global Educator Newsletters