AFS-USA coordinated with our partners in other countries to bring a series of cultural videos (recorded webinars) to teachers and their students. Each webinar is led by individuals from the partner country and includes information about the following areas of their culture:
- Home & Family Life
- Food, Nutrition & Wellness
- School & Education
- Art & Culture
- Global Challenges
The webinars range in length from about 20-35 minutes and some are available in both English and the home language. These are FABULOUS resources for teachers of social studies, world languages, elementary and middle school among other subjects. Teachers can use the webinars in their entirety or just a clip to showcase specific information for students. Many include some aspects of interactivity that teachers can replicate in their classroom (in person) or students can do from home. During remote instruction, these are great for teachers to assign students to watch and the teacher can build in questions with each one to check for understanding.